Who drove around with his car window down today?
It's me! It's me! Yes, it was balmy today, in the mid thirties. However, the sun was shining, so when I got to my car after the afternoon class, it was really warm in there. Especially when wearing winter clothes. So I turned off the heater, turned up the music, and put down the window! Felt great I'll tell ya.
I was woken up by the downstairs neighbors at 6:20 this morning. Not from the usual suspects... but from one of their daughters. She kept yelling "Mommy" over and over again for about 15 or 20 minutes. It's like she woke up scared for some reason (maybe, like Jean or me, she saw a big spider!), but she couldn't wake up her mom up to calm her down. Strange, since she said she's a 'light sleeper,' and the slightest noise we make in the bedrooms, like tip-toeing wrong, wakes her up for the whole night. Whatever. What was really strange was that tonght, while grocery shopping, I heard an eerily similar cry for "Mommy" across the store. The kid was about half the store down from the mom, and was screaming for her. The mom yelled back "Aisle 17!" Some parents really suck, letting their kids wander away like that, and not trying to get them back quickly. However, the cry was so similar, I have begun to wonder if maybe I
didn't wake up to the neighbor's cries, and perhaps it was me hearing the future. I think that should merit a response from Rhea at some point :) Could it be that I was picking up something from the future, especially since Allison didn't hear the cries, and somehow, the parents downstairs didn't wake up from 20 minutes of yelling. Was I the only one hearing these sounds, just bouncing around my brain, in anticipation of some deja vu?
I'm going to ramble only a bit more... I'm extremely tired, yet have to keep writing a paper. As I said, Allison and I got groceries today... we've been out for almost a week. We are proud that we have now officially "Idiot Proofed" the grocery bagging process. hate when you get soft things, like breads, cheeses and such, smashed or broken on the bottom of the bag or cart? Well, we put all the items on the conveyor belt in the exact order we wanted them into the cart for stacking. Then I loaded the bags into the cart, ensuring that heavy things were on the bottom, and fragile things on top. It's really not that hard of a process, but I don't feel like I should have to do it. They just shouldn't smash my bread!
Exciting band news... a week or so ago, we chose a name. We are
The Bailey Quarters. Isn't that swell? Anyways, we recorded our last practice, and I got the mp3s today. I'm pretty happy with how they turned out. I was thinking of putting them somewhere for my faithful blog readers to enjoy, but I might wait until we have recordings with less... how do you say... ah, yes... fuckups. However, keep your eyes peeled, I might leave a link to one somewhere later on.
I just watched the State of the Union... I'm too busy and tired to comment on it fully right now, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow. Have a pleasant day.
Ramblings from Nate
at 10:59 PM EST