7-25-02: Yeah, so I don't update the site much! But there is some news to report. First, Matt will be back in the ol USA on August 13th, so we'll begin practicing sometime after that. In other news, I just got our first booked show! It's a charity show on Sept. 28th at Adrian College. More on the show as we get details
9-28-01: I just made a site on mp3.com that will host mp3s from the new album. Check them out for free. They'll go up periodically. The link is on the media page
9-6-01: A lot of stuff to update ya'll with. First is that the debut album, "We Do Sex Work", has been completed! We recorded in mid-August, and have a 12 track cd on sale now! To order the cd, e-mail Nate. The cds are $5 if Nate can give them to you in person, or $7 if he's gotta mail them.
Also, as some of you might be aware, Matt has moved on to Germany. That means no more shows for a year. WE HAVE NOT BROKEN UP. New songs may be written during this offtime, so expect some rock and rolling shows next August or September!
7-13-01: Thought that Friday the 13th should be the day the new webhost was found. In case you did not know, Crosswinds.net deleted our website because we uploaded our own mp3s without their permission. When I did that, they didn't require permission. So, they deleted our entire page, so I'm building this from an old saved copy. I'll try to have everything going in a few days. -Wombat